Find Holistic Relief from Pelvic Health and Fertility Issues

Improve your fertility.

Improve your pelvic pain.

Improve your leaking.

Improve your health.

Improve your life.


  • Did you know that doing kegals can actually increase leakage and pelvic pain?! Pelvic floor therapy will perform an assessment to determine whether the pelvic floor muscles are working properly and a plan will be put in place to help improve the symptoms you may be having. Pelvic floor therapy is beneficial for the following conditions:

    Back pain

    Stress & Urge incontinence (AKA peeing when you jump, sneeze, cough... you get the idea)

    Pregnancy & Post-partum outcomes

    Painful intercourse

    Some gynecological conditions- reach out for specifics!

  • A manual therapy approach utilized to restore blood flow to the reproductive organs, break up scar tissue/adhesions, and improve mobility of the pelvis. This therapy is performed over the abdomen, internal hips, back, and glutes. This approach has been successful with:

    Dysmenorrhea (heavy periods)

    Heavy periods, painful periods

    Endometriosis pain

    Amenorrhea (lack of a period)


  • The Fertility Wellness Program will include:

    • 6 gynovisceral manipulation sessions which have been shown to be effective in increasing chances of conception with an 83% success rate in the first year!!

    • Personalized diet/lifestyle changes that can improve chances of conception

    • A year of charting assistance and monthly meetings to discuss your charts and answer any questions you may have.

    This program will be tailored to your wants/needs. If you are experiencing infertility, or want to be proactive in setting your body up for its best chance at conception, please reach out! I am happy to answer any questions you may have,

Hi everyone!

Thanks for checking out my page!

I’m Erica and the face behind Empauer Rehab. I graduated my undergraduate studies from Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Psychology and went on to get my Doctorate in Occupational Therapy from Huntington University. I have worked in skilled nursing and acute care for the past 5 years and had a sense that I needed to do more for our community. So, I developed a business and here we are!

After I had my first son in 2018, I realized how badly our medical system is failing pregnant and postpartum mommas when it comes to returning to normal life after baby. I mean, this is a HUGE change. Taking care of a baby. New (weird!) things happening to your body. Recovering and still carrying on with your normal tasks. Making all of the doctors visits after just birthing a baby!? Potentially recovering from a massive surgery and not being educated one bit on scar management or what to expect in the coming months/years. There needs to be more guidance than “You can resume all normal activities” at your 6 week follow-up. So, that’s what I’m here for :) To answer and assist with the “how in the world does this come back together?!”

AND THEN, there was this course I stumbled upon called Mercier Therapy. I took the course in Chicago for a week in October 2020 and it was eye-opening. It provided education on the hormones required for fertility, the manual therapy that’s been shown to improve chances of conception, and how to improve a person’s environment for improved fertility. This opened my eyes to a WHOLE NEW WORLD!

I mean, I have many friends that have struggled with infertility. Several have gone the IVF route with no success. So, naturally, I wanted to know EVERYTHING about hormones and how I can help others so they don’t have to experience the feelings my friends did. While I am still working on understanding ALLL of the fertility things, I have found a new love in reading and learning about hormones & fertility. I’m always looking for ways to help women who are experiencing hormone related issues.

Does any of this sound like you?! I would LOVE to help you in any way that I can. Please don’t hesitate to reach out. I am an open book and happy to be part of your journey.


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